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About TopWare Interactive
For years, TopWare Interactive has developed successful brands, built international presence, and published award winning blockbusters of all genres; manifesting itself as a proverbial "breath of fresh air" in the video game industry. Evidence of this fact can be seen in the successful IPs generated by in-house development studio Reality Pump and other top licenses acquired from external developers. Games such as "Jagged Alliance 2", "Earth 2160", and "Two Worlds" are just a few of the award winning box office hits to emerge from this unique and innovative studio.
Being a privately held and financed company and operating without any impeding foreign control, TopWare Interactive is able to make quick decisions and adjustments to adapt to a constantly evolving global marketplace. Currently, the company is the only worldwide, independent Game Publisher with its own in-house development resources, with more than 25 years of entertainment industry experience. Over the years, that experience has given the video game community such innovative milestones as the first CD-ROM (1992), the first DVD-ROM (1997), and the first BD-ROM (2008) containing gaming content.
Beside this, TopWare Interactive is the first German based company appointed as a licensed Publisher by both Microsoft and Sony for their, respective, next gen platforms. This provides for a solid future product portfolio on multiple platforms and distribution channels. Presently, TopWare develops for and publishes on PC, Mac, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3; although, future platforms such as the next gen Xbox and NATAL continue to remain insight. In fact, in the PC sector, TopWare retains a close partnership with Intel, AMD and Nvidia, striving to propel innovation and remain on the cutting-edge of state-of-the-art technology.

For additional information, please visit TopWare's corporate website: www.topware.com

About Reality Pump
Headquartered in Krakow, Poland, Reality Pump Game Development Studios, a division of the TopWare Group was founded in 1994. The 45-man studio is led by Miroslaw Dymek and Tadeusz Zuber. Both, Mirek and Tadek have each more than 17 years experience in the industry, 15 years at Reality Pump and are responsible for Europe’s most successful PC Real-Time Strategy Series earTHTM. But also the other team members have many years experience as Creative Leader, Art Director and Lead Programmer in the game industry.

The team composition has hardly changed since the foundation in 1994. Therefore, the studio profits from a big knowledge pool and a strong team spirit. The growth by the employing of new graphics artists and level designer assures creativity and fresh ideas. Passion and professionalism are the headwords which made the multi-million seller Two WorldsTM possible. All team members are eager science fiction and fantasy fans, realizing a long preserved dream when designing this high-quality RPG-  hit. The strength of Reality Pump is the development of an own engine without using neither Middleware nor other bought modules, so that no restrictions impede their efficiency and flexibility.

For additional information, please visit Reality Pump's corporate website: www.realitypump.com

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